
What we do

ZEROCO brings innovation to the entire food supply chain, from production sites to distribution, retail, and restaurants.


Intra-industry orchestration

Beginning in Japan, we orchestrate worldwide collaborations across production sites, processing industries, manufacturers, distributors, retailers, and restaurants to create community and bring about food innovation. We help foodstuffs stay fresh longer, transport goods for further distances, and reduce food loss.

1. Retain essential nutrients and original flavors


1. Retain essential nutrients and original flavors


ZEROCO’s rigorous technology maintains an environment of low temperature and high humidity, and it adjusts moisture levels to suit each food, preventing the quality deterioration that occurs due to cell changes and helping to retain the food’s original nutrients and flavor.

2. Mass storage and distribution


2. Mass storage and distribution


With ZEROCO, freshly picked primary products can be refrigerated, precooled, and transported as is, eliminating the need to sort before cooling and helping cut costs. As a result, large quantities of foodstuffs can be stored and transported, while maintaining freshness.

3. Reduce energy consumption


3. Reduce energy consumption


According to our research, ZEROCO requires an approximately 88% lower maximum power capacity than typical quick-freeze freezers.


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